and THE WORLD AROUND YOU ON A deeply divine level.

My Angels & Therapist
I remember always feeling like I didn't belong here and that I didn't want to be here anymore. I just wanted out - I wanted the pain to go away!
Three days after an intentional overdose, I woke up in the ICU. A beautiful voice said, "I am so glad you are back here with me and I hope you choose to stay."
I remember saying, "I do. My Angels helped me."
During those three days I was with my Angelic Guardian Counsel. They explained the life's work I was to do, and I have never looked back.
I found a therapist and began to unravel the deep pain I was experiencing. Her approach was unique. She would gently guide me inward where I could experience a peace of mind and learn to discern what was true and what false about who I was, what I was feeling, and what I was worth - she saved my life.
She helped me discover my innate gifts that have allowed me to follow through with my life's work to empower women with the unique strategies they need to overcome what holds them back from naturally stepping into their worth.
At the end of the day, what matters is how we perceive ourselves and our experiences because they are what shape our outer world.
Innately we are loving, peaceful, highly tuned intuitive beings and we deserve to feel that way!
My Mission...

Your Angels and Loved Ones on the other
side are with you and guiding you!
Do you sometimes long for guidance from a loved one that has passed? Do you ever think to yourself, "If only I could get confirmation, then I would know..." Do you simply just want to be guided in a way that feels affirming and resonates what you think or thought was the case, but are not for sure?